Are you prepared to look in the mirror? Are you ready to look deep inside yourself?
Eleven stories, light and dark, stand ready to guide you through the dark caverns of the heart, through the bizarre corridors of the mind, down into the pit of your soul’s fears.
In GOODMAN, the Devil takes on an unexpected form to torture his prey…in SKEEVE!, a thousand inhuman heartbeats seize the night…in BLOOD MOON, a fraternity hazing takes a monstrous turn…in WRAITH, frightful apparitions deliver a ghastly truth…in NIGHT AS WE KNOW IT, lies and deception underscore a reunion between two old friends…in WAKE THE DEAD, grave robbers discover that evil never really dies…in MIDNIGHT, a handsome playboy has the worst birthday ever…in YOU WON’T FORGET ME, a serial murderer plans an elaborate trap for his unsuspecting third victim, his wife…in DAYTRIPPERS, teens take a field trip they’ll never forget…in THE FURY, a devastating betrayal sends a marriage spinning irreversibly out of control, and in THE LOOKING GLASS, flirtation takes an unusual route to love. By H.L. Sudler.
#fiction #dark #spooky #horror #scary #noir #thriller #murder #ghosts #monsters #short stories #hlsudler
The Looking Glass: Tales of Light and Dark - eBook
"There really should be a warning sign before you take a look into this looking glass. The Looking Glass: Tales of Light and Dark by H.L. Sudler is a collection of eleven thought-provoking and visceral short stories. Horror as H.L. Sudler so aptly describes in these tales comes sometimes not from the usual place but a place deep in the human psyche...These stories are gritty, honest, and in-your-face...This is a book that will stay with you for some time and touch you to the very core of your soul. Highly recommended and totally unforgettable." Book Review Village
Fun compilation of stories!
Very dark set of stories, some were quite disturbing. Took a while to get through this one. I enjoyed "Night as we Know It" the most.
Some of the stories...did remind me of Rod Sterling, but some were too dark for his TV show!! My favorite was "The Looking Glass" closely followed by "Night As We Know It" and "Midnight". All in all, a good collection of stories.
I love the book The Looking Glass: Tales of Light and Dark by H.L. Sudler; its a very interesting and mysterious book. Its Eleven stories, light and dark, are both thrilling and disturbing. I liked these spooky stories. They provoke your mind. You will be intrigued with this book. It's unique. These tales are different and they will stay with you till the end.
This book was a little different, as characters from one story appeared in another or something that was mentioned in one story then became the complete story further in the book, although this was not true of all the stories. I did feel that they were overall an enjoyable and easy read.