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ARCHER PUBLISHING is seeking short stories and novellas for its thriller anthology, Back Alley: Tales of Suspense (2024). We want stories to be well-written, fast paced, topical, progressive, thematic, and very entertaining. Can include straight-up suspense, thriller, noir, neo-noir, or dark fiction. Can include serial killers, rough neighborhoods, sleek exteriors for grizzly backdrops, gun molls, femme fatales, gangsters, gangstas, wet streets, foggy nights, boardroom shenanigans, double-crosses, nail-biters, edge-of-your-seat tales etc., so long as the story is gritty, imaginative and well-executed. Think Memento, Gone Girl, Man on a Ledge, D.O.A., The Big Clock, Laura, The Lady from Shanghai, or Out of Time. Push boundaries of imagination. Your tale should be juicy, unputdownable, and should shock, gall, astonish, provoke and, most of all, entertain.
Stories can be written by LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ authors, and should include diversity. Characters may include LGBTQ and/or non-LGBTQ characters. Stories should include diversity (think outside the box!). This means any race, nationality, sexuality, ethnicity, class, etc. is fair game. An inclusive story is an accessible story. Originality earns extra points. Word count for short stories should be less than 9,000 words; novellas should be less than 13,000 words. The deadline for submission is January 31, 2025.
Compensation includes 2 hard copy books and 1 digital copy of your story. Books will be available for sale AT COST for resale.
All submissions should be in Word format, justified, line spaced at 1.5, in Times New Roman at 10pt. The title of the work should be on the first page. Centered beneath the title should be the author’s name, email address, phone number, and word count.
We have 15 slots. Make your work stand out.
Deadline for submissions is January 31, 2025.
Submit all work to amncentral@gmail.com, with a subject line to read in caps BACK ALLEY PROJECT: (author name and title of work).
All queries should be made to Louis Lyles II at amncentral@gmail.com.